High Income
Aims to deliver a total income return of over 3% p.a (net of all fees). The fund is actively managed and provides diversification across Australian and global fixed interest markets thereby minimising the risk of any capital loss.
Investors seeking an alternative source of income without taking on excessive risk.
100% defensive (fixed interest, cash)
3% plus (net of all fees) through the market cycle
1-2 years+

Moderately Defensive
Aims to provide investors with modest capital appreciation and income over periods of three years or more by investing in a diversified portfolio of predominantly defensive assets
Investors wanting stable income and a high degree of capital stability
70% defensive (fixed interest, cash)
30% growth (equities, property, alternatives)
CPI plus 2% in any rolling 3 year period
Low to medium. Negative return 3 years in every 20 years
3 years+

Aims to provide investors with a moderate income and capital growth over periods of 5 years or more by investing in a diversified portfolio split equally between growth assets and defensive assets
Investors seeking a careful balance between risk and reward
50% defensive (fixed interest, cash)
50% growth (equities, property, alternatives)
CPI plus 3% in any rolling 5 year period
Medium. Negative return 4 years in every 20 years
5 years+

Aims to provide investors with a higher rate of return over periods of 7 years or more by investing in a diversified portfolio of predominantly growth assets
Investors looking for higher potential investment performance and who are prepared to accept increased risk and volatility in order to achieve it
30% defensive (fixed interest, cash)
70% growth (equities, property, alternatives)
CPI plus 4% in any rolling 7 year period
High. Negative return 5 years in every 20 years
7 years+

High Growth
Aims to maximise total returns over a period of 8 years or more by investing in a diversified portfolio of majority growth assets
Investors seeking to maximise their total returns over the longer term and are prepared to tolerate a high degree of market volatility along the way
10% defensive (fixed interest, cash)
90% growth (equities, property, alternatives)
CPI plus 5% in any rolling 8 year period
Very high. Negative return 5 years in every 20 years
8 years+

View actual returns and fees
Socially Responsible Balanced
Aims to provide investors with a diversified portfolio split equally between growth assets and defensive assets, taking into account the social and environmental impact of the chosen companies
Suited to investors seeking a careful balance between risk and reward and who wish to make a positive social impact
50% defensive (fixed interest, cash)
50% growth (equities)
CPI plus 3% in any rolling 5 year period
Medium. Negative return 4 years in every 20 years
5 years+